She was raped by her father and infected with AIDS! it was tears and grief as the children testified

She was raped by her father and infected with AIDS! it was tears and grief as the children testified

Aug 23,2021

It is very difficult to hear the testimony of these girls, because you would not hear them without a cloth to wipe away tears, while you feel the life of these girls who went through them at such a young age that they had no hope for the future, but now they are very grateful to the Ndineza Organization.


It is a great asset to the Ndineza Organization represented by Aline Gahongayire, so understanding it would take a long time to see a child who was raped at the age of 5, infected with her father by her father, stand in front of people and speak but have a purpose to heal and 'other children can't speak.


You may feel odd but it happened, because when I saw some of the children would testify in front of the people, the elderly women the Ndineza Organization cared for day by day, were also bursting into tears.


It was the first time these children had met anyone who shouted, and they were liberated even though there was a journey needed to get them out one hundred percent, but it is clear that there is a point where the Ndineza Organization has brought these children back to life online.


Mama Shadia and Shadia's eldest son 'We For Love', their lives have changed a lot


They are children who laugh, rejoice, learn and are very grateful to God for bringing them together with Aline Gahongayire. When these children begin to talk about their lives, they are presented with a lot of toys, remembering how they have heart and grief injuries, as a result of forcible sexual intercourse with some resulting in unintended pregnancies.


In this testimony, we are going to go back to one girl at a time, but for their safety and to be found in the Rwandan society they are not ashamed, especially since they have not been healed one hundred percent, the Ndineza Organization has given them promising names which we are going to use in this stories, and their faces were not visible.


Of these girls who have different testimonies, these are some of the ones who have been able to persuade and talk, only there are many who take care of the Ndineza Organization and one day they will be well and we will be able to monitor their condition according to the information we will be given by this organization.


Life, a 15-year-old girl who was raped when she was 8 years old by a man who had married her mother, despaired and felt like she could get away with it, only after she met Aline Gahongayire in the Ndineza Organization who changed her life. He was the last in the school but now he has good grades, and he has already taken the step of liberation and told his story.


Pink, a 17-year-old girl, was also raped as a result of the difficult life she grew up with at the age of 14 as a result of giving birth, the family denies her so much that she was devastated, and even traumatized but the Ndineza Organization came to her life.


Yellow, who gave birth to her cousin is now 22 years old. He is currently an MTN Mobile Money agent. Because of Aline Gahongayire, she is also going to start school.


Peace, her life is amazing because she is a happy girl, but she was infected with AIDS by her father who started raping her at the age of five which resulted in her becoming infected, but she has taken steps because of Aline Gahongayire who talked to her and changed her life so far she is happy. Although he has not yet recovered from his injuries, he is still a step ahead and is ready to study as he has completed his sixth year and is confident of success.


Rose, a 22-year-old girl who is optimistic about the future, is due to injuries she has suffered but has come face to face with Aline Gahongayire who calls her mother because otherwise she would have died but her life has a purpose. Rose was raped at the age of 16 and gave birth at the age of 17.


Pome, a 22-year-old girl, started being raped at the age of 18 but is now grateful to the Ndineza Organization for her continued care for her child, and for the rest of her life because of her whereabouts. and is ready to study well.


Happiness, a 25-year-old girl who also had a difficult life because she started having sex at the age of 16, but her life is amazing and she is very happy after meeting Aline Gahongayire.


Thanks, as the name suggests, it’s a compliment. Thanks to the survivors he thanked the Ndineza Organization for rescuing him from the pit where life was not, as he started being raped at the age of 15 but is now very happy with Gahongayire. He is now 18 years old.


Life, with the goal of studying to a great extent, is a business woman.


She burst into tears and told his story


In an interview with Inyarwanda, Aline Gahongayire explained a lot about the event and explained about 'We For Love' and how you can buy one of the clothes and help a child. He also explained how even those who have some of the things they no longer use at home but are good at, bring them and help different children.


“We For Love’ part one, where we helped a baby girl named Shadia who was selling bananas and her life has changed, I haven’t been talking much about maybe you see her too, so she’s a picture, ”she said.


Shadia is a very talented child, she used to come in bad positions because of how difficult life was.


“And then for the second part of‘ We for Love ’we are doing it for girls named Mimi Zawadi Africa which is where we are in which we want these unplanned pregnancies and childbirths to be raped, raped and drugged, we want them to study in this summer,” she continued. action because we want students to hate it often. We have already found partners; they will study there is a program we have set up for them but we still need different support ”. ”.


These women the Ndineza family take care of on a daily basis


One of the clothes that came out, you can buy and help with a baby girl. There are so many types it's hard to say.
