She really loves you if she shows you these 6 signs

She really loves you if she shows you these 6 signs

Oct 08,2021

What shows you that a girl feels or loves you and has lost track of you, waiting for you to have a word to say?


. What would show you that a girl loves you even if she hasn’t told you

. How to know if a girl really loves you?

. Signs that show that a girl loves even if she did not tell you

. 6 signs that shows you that a girl loves you before she say anything


We are accustomed to the fact that a young man often when he loves a girl, approaches her and tells her the about his feelings. The fact that a guy immediately takes the lead in telling a girl that he loves her, doesn’t happen immediately when a girl falls in love with a guy.


The girl who fell in love with a guy, there are signs she is starting to show him, in order to show him that she feels something for him and wants him to have a special friendship. We are going to tell you some of the signs a girl shows, that will show you that she loves you and that she is waiting for you to take the next step.


1. Imitate what you do


For example: the way you sit and see it is the way she sits, you can change the way you sit and you see she changes too. 


Most of the time she imitate what you do inconsiously.  Whether she did it voluntarily or not, this is a sign that she needs you.


2. When you say amazing things she laughs (even if it's not funny)


When a girl loves you, she feels that everything you say will make her happy and smile. She takes all your words in a positive way, so that even if you say something funny, that will make people laugh, she will feel funny and surprised. For her, you are someone who knows how to talk and your stories are very funny.


3. You are friends on all social networking sites


A girl who loves you, feels that she will follow you everywhere, whether she wants all the means to connect them whether you are there and in friends. One day at the meeting, she immediately asked you for a friend on Facebook, followed you on Instagram, she has your WhatsApp number, etc ...


This shows that she feels the need for you very close.


4. How do they text you or text you? Compared to how you write to her


Does he write more things to you than you do to him? Does he answer you with the words of a tire?


If when you write to her, she goes back to words that are equal or greater than what you wrote to her at length, which is great. It would be nice if he could write more words for you.


But if you write her a long story, and she responds with few words. It's time to dump her and move on. She doesn't feel something for you.


5. Is she closer to you than she used to be?


If a girl tries to make you feel closer, both physically and emotionally, that girl  loves you. For example: when you sit in a group, you see that she wants to be close to you all the time and you see that he or she wants your thoughts and feelings to match.


Just because of the behavior, there are some girls who, even if they love you, refuse to approach you in order not to end up embarrassing you.


6. Laugh


If she looks at you and she is smiling, which is a sign that he needs to be found and talked to. (Only he can make you laugh when he sees something funny about you).
