Katumbi was called a traitor because of his wife's origin

Katumbi was called a traitor because of his wife's origin

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Jun 20,2022

The behavior of politician Moïse Katumbi, who usually does not hide his views, in these days when his Democratic Republic of Congo is at odds with Rwanda, has prompted him to be questioned by some Congolese wondering why he is not behaving like his peers, Adolphe Muzito and Martin Fayulu in support of the FARDC and some even consider him a traitor based on his wife's origin in Rwanda.


According to the report, Katumbi married a woman from Rwanda, which brought a number of issues to the forefront. The next one is easy to think about. Former Katanga Governor "shares blood with those who attacked Congo". "The choices are clear to him."


The report goes on to say that the issue of Moise Katumbi's whereabouts should be questioned if he is elected President of the Republic, saying "the time has come for the Congolese to open their eyes ... The country has been betrayed inside and outside." Since Katumbi is known to have never had his tongue in his pocket he chooses to remain silent in order to protect his interests regardless of the Republicans, there is reason to believe that the war in the East is multifaceted. ”


The story, written by Actu7.cd, continues to urge Congolese to think carefully because it is difficult to understand that the Congolese have turned their backs and betrayed them in the face of their eastern neighbors.

"The danger is still there as Katumbi is still seeking to become president." she told the Associated Press.


Moise Katumbi has been trying to resolve the issue with the DRC and Rwanda while his fellow politicians, such as Adolphe Muzito and Martin Fayulu, have come up with various ideas, including launching a direct war on Rwanda or building a wall that separates it from Congo.